Understanding Your Employer-Provided Benefits

Maybe it feels like the distant future to you, but retirement is real! Understand and stay engaged with your employer-funded retirement benefits – they’re too valuable to neglect! As you make career decisions, consider the impact on your retirement benefits. They represent a major part of your overall compensation.

Follow in the Footsteps of Successful URS Retirees

When your retirement day arrives, will you reflect with gratitude or regret over your preparations today? We recently asked a group of successful URS retirees to share insights and advice for those still on the path to retirement. These are their stories. Maybe it feels like the distant future to you, but retirement is real! By staying engaged and maximizing the great benefits provided by your employer, you can follow the footsteps of these URS members to a fulfilling and financially secure retirement.

Remember: You Earn Much More Than Just a Salary

When you review your earnings, keep this in mind: The retirement benefits funded by your employer represent a major part of your overall compensation. As you make career decisions, consider the impact on your retirement benefits. Understand and stay engaged with your employer-funded retirement benefits to maximize this potential pot of gold at the end of your career path!

Access Your Employer Provided Retirement Benefits in One Place

The retirement benefits funded by your employer represent a major part of your overall compensation! Review and manage them by logging into myURSThis video shows how to create an account. Logging in at least once a year helps protect your information and money. Manage your URS savings plans, beneficiaries, contact information, and more. Stay engaged with your employer’s retirement benefits – they’re too valuable to neglect!

What’s Your Potential Retirement Benefit? See for Yourself!

Here’s a great way to better understand your employer’s significant retirement benefits -- use URS online calculators to put a dollar figure on them. Plug in a few numbers to estimate your future monthly pension benefit or your savings plan nest egg. Experiment by entering different years of service. Then see for yourself how career longevity will impact your benefit. 

Explore URS publications or attend live training

Thanks to the substantial retirement benefit your employer funds on your behalf every paycheck, you’ve got a huge advantage over most Americans. It’s vital to understand your retirement benefits so you can make the most of them. Here's where to start.

Publications » Detailed information about your benefits.

Videos » See how to use online URS tools and more.

Seminars » For a comprehensive look at what all URS members need to know, this is perfect place to start. These free seminars are tailored to your retirement horizon and conducted virtually and in-person at locations across Utah.

Webinars » Your chance to take a deeper look and ask questions about a variety of benefit and retirement topics.

Individual Retirement Planning Sessions » Have questions about your URS benefits? Want some guidance to see if you’re on track for a comfortable retirement? Meet for free with a URS Retirement Planning Advisor to make sure you're making the most of your employer-funded benefits.

Of course, if you have specific questions, we're just a phone call away.

Retirement Benefits: 801-366-7770 | 800-695-4877

Savings Plans: 801-366-7720 | 800-688-401k

Secure Online Messaging: URS Message Center

URS ViewPoint

Stay up to date with the latest news and information about your benefits. Read the newsletter for active URS members.


Learn more about your benefits with our publications and training.

Financial Wellness

Free URS resources can help you improve your finances.

Access Your Benefits

Create a myURS account to manage accounts, change beneficiaries, and more.