Important Papers and Valuable Property Locator

Print and fill out this form. Give copies to your spouse, a close relative, your executor and attorney. Update this information periodically. Printed copies of this form are available at Utah Retirement Systems.

If you need more room to list certain details, staple a separate sheet to this locator. Do not use a paper clip.

Name:                                                  Social Security Number:                          

My valuable property and important papers are stored in these locations:

Location A:                                                   Location C:                                                  
Location B:                                                   Location D:                                                  

Itemized list of valuable property and important papers. Circle the location of each item.


Location Wills and Estate Papers Location Retirement Plan Documents
A B C D My Will (original) A B C D 401(k), 457, 403(b), IRA, etc.
A B C D My Will (copy) A B C D Military, Other Public or Private Plans
A B C D Spouse's Will (original) A B C D                                                  
A B C D Spouse's Will (copy) Financial and Legal Affairs
A B C D Trust Agreements A B C D Tax Files
A B C D Power of Attorney A B C D Titles (Car, Boat, etc.)
A B C D Living Will/Medical P.O.A. A B C D Mortgages, Notes
A B C D Birth Certificate A B C D List of Checking, Savings and Other Accounts
A B C D Marriage Certificate A B C D List of Credit Cards and Accounts
A B C D Divorce/Separation Papers A B C D List of Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, other investments
A B C D Military Papers A B C D Employment/Business Agreements
A B C D                                                   A B C D                                                  
A B C D                                                   A B C D                                                  
A B C D Funeral and Burial Instructions Property and Other
Insurance Policies A B C D Keys to Home, Car, Buildings and Other Locks
A B C D Life A B C D Safety Deposit Box and Keys
A B C D Health A B C D Safe Combination
A B C D Homeowner A B C D List of Stored and Loaned Properties
A B C D Car, Boat, etc. A B C D                                                  
A B C D Funeral Plan A B C D                                                  
A B C D                                                   A B C D                                                  

Safe Deposit Box Location:                                                                                                                                     

Other Location information:                                                                                                                                   

Financial Accounts (Detail) Important Names, Addresses and Telephone
Account Name Account Number Numbers for Estate Settlement
                                                                    Retirement Plan                                  
                                                                    Insurance Agent                                  
                                                                    Accountant/Tax Preparer                                  

Copies Given to:                                                                     Date Prepared:                                  

The information in this publication does not contain financial, investment, tax, or legal advice and cannot be construed as such or relied upon for those purposes. Please consult your own investment, tax, or legal advisors for qualified professional advice in these areas.